Geotag your posts
Did you know that by adding this one item to your posts, whether on Facebook or Instagram, will increase your views and engagement by over 70%? You’re probably asking what exactly is a geotag and how the heck do I add it?
A geotag is simply a location. By adding a location to your posts the algorithm “files” your post under that location. So when someone is searching for things to do or places to visit in that geographical area your post, thus your business, will show up.
Here’s how you add the location to your Instagram and your Facebook posts.
After adding and editing your photo/video on Instagram you’ll arrive in the section where you write your caption. Under that area it says Tag People, Tag Business Partner and Add Location. Under which you’ll see a couple of location options. Either select one or tap on Add Location to enter a different one.
On Facebook you add your location by “Checking In.” The icon for Checking In is the red teardrop with a white dot. When you tap on Create a Post several options appear below the text area: Photo/Video, Tag Friends, Feeling/Activity and Check In. Tap that and select or enter your location.
And that’s it! Let us know if this was helpful.
Be safe and be well