FMNC Membership FAQ


Membership is open to traveling wholesale apparel salespersons. This does NOT include manufacturers, wholesalers, jobbers or supervisors of salespersons.

Are there prerequisites of membership?

Yes, a salesperson must meet the above criteria, have participated in three shows in a calendar year, and must fill out an application and pay the appropriate fees.

What are the fees?

The annual dues of $120 are paid in January. Anyone applying to join from January through June will pay that amount and will then pay the next year’s dues in January. Anyone applying from July through December will pay the amount of $120, but will not have to pay the next year’s dues in January.

What is expected of the membership?

Members are requires to pay the annual dues, are entitled to vote in all elections and hold offices in the Association. Members must exhibit in a minimum of three shows annually to remain a member in good standing.

There is a mandatory meeting each year that members showing in the show must attend. A member must be present to vote.

What are the benefits of membership?

Show fee is discounted for members.

You have a voice in the Association, vote in the General Election for officers and are eligible to become one.